kidnap me. please
sometimes, you just have to walk away. i know, we all hate to fail, hate to give in, hate to give up and that we love the challenge of life and want to keep on until whatever we are trying to 'win' has been overcomed, vanquished, beaten, won. but at times, it just aint gonna happen and we need to learn to recognize those moments, learn how to philosophically shrug and walk away with our pride intact and our dignity held high. afterall - its not your fault on your part.
sometimes you really want to do something and yet it is unrealistic. instead of knocking yourself out, cultivate the art of walking away and youll find that things will seem a lot less stressful. learn the art of walking away.
its not that we cant push ourselves and reached for the stars. its not that we cant pass the finish line in the shortest possible time. but because we're only humans and only want to fit in nicely. we're all just too lazy to go that extra mile. someone once told me - 'do your best in whatever you undertake, else you can just save the effort. ' for you and i both know, as much as it makes sense, majority of us behave otherwise.and the past few days were no exception for me.not that i didnt predict my performances, but i guess i should have just known better. its not so much about the imperfection or flaws that im constantly rambling about.
its really about something good gone wrong. i realised, everytime i expect - the disappointment is always greater, no less.
kidnap me. please
kidnap me. please
best group =)
kidnap me. please
West Spring Sec at Pahang. (20th May - 23rd May).
the camp was GREAT! had no mirror (dun ask why).. they were really good =)
fellow instructors!! doing stupid things.. INFRONT of campers..
kidnap me. please