Monday, May 12, 2008
decided to retrieve the blog which is supposed to be dead like .. 1 yr ago?
just got the sudden urge to blog.. perhaps MIA too often nowadays..
(no, i blog not becos im emo.. *look at pantianhon*)
was contemplating if i should just create a totally new blog, a new tagboard etc.. but then again.. im too lazy to do so. haha. so yea other than blogskin.. everything remains the same =))

just got the sudden urge to blog.. perhaps MIA too often nowadays..
(no, i blog not becos im emo.. *look at pantianhon*)
was contemplating if i should just create a totally new blog, a new tagboard etc.. but then again.. im too lazy to do so. haha. so yea other than blogskin.. everything remains the same =))
anyway, im back from kota tinggi! (my first overseas camp)

the camp was SUPERB!! had a great mirror --> OLIVER WONG! haha. a big thankew =)
everything was cui at first..
every other groups have only 12-15 campers.. while me and my mirror, we have 22 kids EACH?! (so we are just basically taking one class each) the most notorious batch in the school.
FIVE teachers attached to us. teachers all cui.. there's a sitting arrangement for the kids on the bus.. and the teachers scolded them when they change without informing the teachers (ehh harlo, we are going for a camp.. why so strict?!) splitted in 2-3 buses. bus-driver cui too.. we cant eat, we cant stand on the bus etc.. so basically we did not do anything on the way there while the rest have already taught cheers etc.
CIP: i was the only instructor on the bus with 2 other cui teachers. the driver got lost and we travelled for more than 4hrs =) it's the best excuse to nuan. haha.. yea.. but the teachers and the gals became paranoid and keep asking if we are lost etc..
Water rafting: none of my kids are from scouts or guides.. so basically im the only one there tying the knots. the ropes all cui.. pull one time snap one time =(( and we all spent like 2hrs just to tie all the raft?! yea.. after that, we allowed them to have mud-fight, water splashing (washing up at the tap there instead of showering in cubicles).. since they promised to keep all the equipment nicely. yepz they enjoyed it =D
trekking: 6 leech-attack from my major (i got none *smiles*).. when passing messages like ("be careful, of the hanging tree braches ahead"), my boys.. mischievously pass down any thing they can think of e.g "condom ahead" .. "cow dung ahead" etc.. had a great time laughing. none of them complained tired as they had lots of fun looking at the ground while trekking trying to spot condoms.. haha.
campfire: was really proud of all of them! i can proudly say that our groups (me and oliver's) are the very few groups whose warcries really sound like warcry.. and the boys keep bugging us to make them rehearse again and again =) instead of repeating after us.. they request to sing the cheer together (yea yea sa bu leh) so yeah.. haha.
the boys (the malays, they call themselves power rangers)- they were so naughty yet so fun! and they are really cute! (im not phaedophile!) At night, instead of sleeping, they went to play with other people's tents and trying to make it collapse.. they made stupid actions in front of ppl's tents.. u know those actions of ppl having sex?! they gossip like gals! and whenever someone got punished, we (oliver and i) straight away look at each other.. and asked "issit ur group or my group?" (this is how naughty the boys can be haha) oh and they came to me and asked me this "instructor, u got G-SPOT! *giggles*(points at my booties)" omg! they are only p6 kids.. i only found out what is G-Spot when im in sec 4 lah.
oh and did i mention they fight over rubbish?! during area cleaning, we threw them a challenge, whichever group that empty the whole bin of rubbish into the trash bags first will be the winner.. omg and u can really see them fighting over rubbish.. snatching everything.. and when a teeny weeny little drop out from the bin... "EH!! that one is MINE!! it dropped out from MY bin!!!" *snatch* (instructors all laughing - kids are kids)
but all of them changed so drastically over the 2 days that they got themselves the best groups (me and oliver's)!!! so happy for them =))
highlight of the camp (the way the instructors bath at night) - we shampooed, soaped ourselves thoroughly.. and we .. JUMPED into the COLD ICY swimming pool! (there's a swimming pool at the resort there) bathing in the open with clothes all soaped inside, changing with fellow female instructors blocking instead of walls shielding us.. had LOTS of fun!

next camp: 13 - 16. Dunman high School
kidnap me. please