i was quite amazed when i was merging these 2 pictures together. the picture on top was taken ONE YEAR ago. and the picture below was taken recently.
-the position are the same.. reny on the left and i'm on the right.
-the face expression is the same. look at our mouth! (her tongue sticking out and..)
-everything's the same just that..
she had short hair then and long hair now.
I had long hair then and short hair now.
-one taken inside LT. and one outside LT.
(oh and i realised my fringe looks the same =X)
kidnap me. please
haha went home after training today. met kenneth and weirong and xiaofang at the tpjc bus stop and joyce too.. on the bus. i miss these ppl!! first 3 mths in tpjc was really a blast and i really miss those times...
-go school early in the morning everyday with jinghuang (aka patricia!) yea he will meet me at my house bus stop at 6.40 / 6.45am ? haha. not that he lives near me though.. he lives in katong! HAHA. shhh..
-go home everyday with kenneth and jh too. haha yay they were so nice to send me all the way to my house doorstep! ok.. not together but ya they take turns?! lol. scared i get kidnapped ya.. HAHA. ok we were really close and really gd frenz. i miss that! and most of all.. i miss elizabeth chin.. though she's now with mj with me. =X u know why.
-yea i love them and now every wed im supposed to go sch with jinghuang again! cos wed i start school at 8.30! YAY! but last last week got principal's address... so no chance. hey dude! msn me!
-where's my ring.
-tpjc 06s19! let's go out for lunch soon.. i miss all of u!! heh
this post is just so random.
kidnap me. please
The gravity is working overtime again...the corners of my lips are getting pulled down subconsciously, yes i blame it on the extra pull of gravity.
when your world's all topsy-turvy, when everything around you is changing, you just want some things to stay the same, to be stable. to be your pillar of strength, your source of comfort, something you can rely on to feel safe and secure when everything's upside-down and all around. well, i want that.
but you can't always get the things you want. in fact, it seems you can't ever get the things you really want. whatever it is, it's just that it's this period of time i wanna hide somewhere and be allowed to just. cry. and have someone just hug me and let me feel secure. [not tell me everything's gonna be alright, coz we both know it won't. duh.] aaah!!! i'm not depressed k. it's just... i wanna just let myself go.
have no idea what's going on now. first, nearly got knocked down by a lorry just now.. listening to my mp3 and not knowing that the lorry is reversing. second, i spend one entire hour on one qns of maths tutorial.. not that i dont know how to do.. just that.. suppose to integrate, i differentiate. supposed to mutiply by 2, i divide it. and i can actually trip over my ipod wire and fall.. and obviously the ipod dropped. argh. i slept at 9+ last night... just feeling tired but the moment i lie on my bed.. i felt so awake.. and end up sleeping at 1.45am yes spent 4h++ staring at the ceiling.
i'm broke!! $40 every 2 weeks.. investment on eyedrop. gosh so not worth it and im broke. forget it.. not as if it helps. next week i'll just die. ok im joking and my phone bill!!! got to pay it myself this month just becos it exceeded (by a lot) =X but 70% are contributed by dancers can?! some unknown J1s keep giving prank calls/smses asking abt audition but end up never come =X and some like sms asking me for my bdae.. (like why do u need it for?!) ok maybe they arent J1s. not sure. oh sigh.
you know the feeling of just lying there the whole day not doing anything at all? just do nothing but stone. i feel like doing that now. or perhaps have a race with the wind on ur blades... going a such a high speed and later crash into the tree and u-know-what-will-happen-next but before that i need new ball-bearings for my skates.. or maybe kayak with the storm... and got strike by lightning and the paddle splited and get ur hand burnt.. like last time.. ok im really joking. dun start coming to me and tell me everything will be fine and dont think abt it
i hate school now. dread going to school.. partly it's becos of.. and partly becos of dance. ok i shall shut up abt this.
havent been seeing my parents for the past few days. they only come home when im sleeping and when im awake, they're still sleeping and i have to head off for school =X oh well, it just feels like last time when im alone at home with my brother when the whole family went china. but but.. i got my dog's company then! ARGH! oh well even when they're around i can hardly talk to them.. if you care.. give me a call.
Lies are meant to be told.
Promises are meant to be broken.
Faith are meant to be lost
Dreams are meant to be crushed
Wishing hard doesn't help remove the bitterness of regret of things I could have done.
someone asked me why is my blog always seems so sad, so depressing, so emotional. what do u think? blogs are for letting out isnt it? it's my way of releasing. im sorry. so when i dont blog for a long period of time.. dont urge me to blog... cos im happy =) haha. i dun know what talking me. ok period. i need to rest.
kidnap me. please
the ones that keep me going.
the ones that make sure no matter how much i've changed, i do things my way.
the ones that make sure i don't do things that end up breaking a promise, that would result in me lying.
people keep promises so they won't end up hurting the ones whom they've made the promise to.
or maybe.
i'm just being insolent and foolish. and i haven't grown up
kidnap me. please
can i say im not used to it?
can i say i cant adapt it?
can i say i hate it?
i cant...
nightmare gonna come.
i felt as if ive lost everything. everything's just wrong.. so wrong today. (sorry if i piss u off today.. anyone of u.. it wasnt on purpose. im sorry guys)
trainings 3 times a week. consecutive 3 days. im tired..
breaking down soon.. i felt so alone.. so lost. it felt as in ive lost my independence. perhaps i just need to grow up soon.. like now?! i regretted. so badly regretted ive picked the wrong choice and everything just happened before i even realised it? i cant quit now.. just gonna carry on with it..
and soon i'll see you in mental hospital..
i should be happy. should be glad. sorry for all the selfish thoughts for now.. but im at a loss now
ive been happy, more often than not over the past few days but as quickly as it started, it disappeared. sometimes. people disappoint me. i'm not tryin to sound all high and mighty or anything, that i'm so perfect that i don't disappoint people. i know i must have and i do. but sometimes... just leave me alone for now.
now the flower's gone. and everytime you walk by that patch of grass, looking forward to seeing that beautiful flower, it ain't there anymore. coz you killed it. and there's this hole somewhere in your heart, you feel incomplete somehow. you think back on the happier days, wishing you could bring it back, feeling super lousy knowing that even though you tried your very best to save it, but the moment's long gone. you can't bring it back to the way it was anymore, nor anywhere even close. coz this time it isn't 'you' anymore, but it's the other party, other factors. you lost the moment.
i know u are strong enough for this, gal.
kidnap me. please
i actually slept throughout the whole day today =X 13hrs! HAHA
12am to 8.30am (yes i woke up at 8.30am! dont be surprised!)
1pm to 3pm (took a.. long nap!)
4.30pm to 6pm (physics notes make me wanna zzz.. not my fault! so went back to sleep after trying to mug for 1hr+ ... with my com on of cos)
DOREA, MIKO or anyone!!!! u all better date me out to study soon! see how
kidnap me. please
where's the sun?! when issit gonna be out again..
summer's getting cold..
and thanks to the rain!!! ahhh i wanna go kayaking!! i wanna go windsurfing!! boo!
im sleeping 10-11 hrs a day now (since wed) YESH! after school come back sleep at night sleep again..and im still tired.. gosh. not me. it's the weather that makes me wanna zzz.. haha.. oh and this morning!! gosh some couples getting married and there's like 10+ cars at the carpark?! keeping horning and it woke me up. irritating.
random stuff:
I lost another side of earrings =X
I miss windsurfing!!!
oh and did i mention i gain like 5kg?! in less than 2mths?! in just one holiday lah!!! gosh! im happy yet sad. happy cos i can windsurf with the "normal" equipment! which requires u to be at least 50kg! hahaha.. sad cos.. it's such a short time and im able to gain 5kg?! gosh!
someone says i send "alienified" smses that's why i received no replies. BOOBOO!!!! just admit u are lousy!WAHAHAHA. dont wanna send u anymore! BOOOOO.. period.
kidnap me. please
happy new year! haha. first day of year 2007! guess how did i spend my day.. LOL
with this kuku woman! hahahaha.. dorea chee yan yan-en en! haha <3 lol.
yesh this pic is taken today 010107 not on xmas! LOL. ate happy meal just now.. so..

sch's starting soon.. like 1 more day?! sheesh im so not ready for J2. im so not ready for syf. one part of me wants the sch to start like real soon.. and the other part.. just dread it. oh well.. europe tour after As! YESH YESH! dory.. set! HAHA.
kidnap me. please