Saturday, December 30, 2006
met up with the usual 209 ppl (minus siwee). went to chiong homework at national library! HAHA.. but havent finish =X LOL! anyway.. i love my elysium jacket! HAHA. yeah.

dory!!! i miss u. haha. sunday on? haha. yea popeyes! and... homework =X anway either blogger is down cos of the taiwan earthquake or the internet dun like me... it's super duper laggy and it took me sooo long to upload these pics.
kidnap me. please
Thursday, December 28, 2006
heard from manda that.. ppl from her sch are talking abt it.
huixian knows abt it. half the sc ppl from her sch were talking abt it.
i realised..
it's still you.
im sorry
kidnap me. please
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
ahhhh $295 by tmr. dies.
jackets shirts dryfit EVERYTHING will be done by tmr.
gosh means.. have to pay $295 by tmr too!
paid deborah the full amt $360 for the foot-thongs already and now got zero left. ok maybe not zero. it's -$3! sheesh! for once i really hope the printing guy can take his own sweet time...
kidnap me. please
Sunday, December 24, 2006
argh. yesterday met up with the usual 209 ppl and go
i wasnt in the shopping mood the whole day. im broke in the first place, remember? BOO! oh oh willie claims that he dun wanna sweat that's why he dun wanna skate. SWEAT WHILE ICE SKATING?! monster!
not gonna blog in details abt yesterday anyway. one word in conclusion. DISAPPOINTING. but the movie at vivo was nice though.. and yea tianhon! wad u did to me in the movie.. u promised not to tell others! hahaha..
anyway yea was "completing" with yanhong few days ago. she argued with me that her outing on 23rd will be more interesting than mine. the house com. actually went ice-skate! (which was where we supposed to go!) sigh. she won. =P blah! i wanna go ice skate la~! hah. oh well miko! roy! u guys said the date is on still right? on sat! HAHA. yea! RENY LIS! u are coming along! im pulling u along WAHAHAH!!!
xmas eve. the day i will never forget. u took him away..
-i wanna spend my xmas with u-
kidnap me. please
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
sometimes i just wanted to blog. but dont feel like typing! HAH!
oh well..
15 dec: had our 4e4 gathering at marina square. met siwee and joy! gosh. they had their anderson class gathering too uh? LOL. dinner at swensens. then after that we went esplanade roof top and rot. ok not rot. just.. disturbing those couples there! all their fault! dory rachel and grace keep making me laugh. =X blah!
16/17 dec: had bbq/stay over at willie's house! it was a blast! on the way there met ken and angela! LOL. ok they working together. then later going home together. so dont think too much! WAHAHA. (in case one of them read this and kill me). played stupid games throughout the night. those fingers games.. those black magic yah. it's lame. bridge too! haha. and im the king! wahah! oh and "truth or truth" and they all know abt.. yeaps. kinda sad. till abt 6 plus 7 in the morning. we started feeling tired. so the gals took willie's bed and the guys (actually only tianhon and roy) took the sofa outside. siwee and willie played "soccer" throughout the whole night. or should i say only willie? haha. trying to find someone to defeat. LOL. yea miko and waiyin squeezed me all the way to one corner of the bed lah! and i had to go to shoo tian hon away from the sofa! LOL. the next day willie was so tired and he tried shooing us outta the house so that he can sleep. heh we ignored him totally. stayed till 2 plus 3 before we start packing up and leave LOL.
19 dec: we (miko willie siwee waiyin roy and me!) met up again at national library trying to mug! haha. but no more than 2 hrs. we left the place. holiday mood! SORRY! and we realised that none of us had actually started on our holiday assignment except willie and roy! rahhh! then we went suntec to catch a movie but eragon only front row available. so too bad! went cathay. but timing's not right. so went back to ps and eat! (oh and i met lorencia! haha. so surprised that willie knows her too! his primary sch fren. she's one yr older than me).. oh and throughout the whole day stupid willie and siwee lah. ive got nth against them can?! been make a fool outta myself BLAH!!! (go disturb miko and wy lah!) HMPH.
21 dec: meeting acathyal for dinner. dory's church having musical! (er wait. did she get the date wrong? willie and roy's from riverlife church too and they say the musical is on 22nd!)
23 dec: HAH kinda excited and looking forward to this date! meeting up with them again! celebrate xmas. Siwee! u better come! it's becos of u that we planned it on 23rd! 24th xmas eve and 25th xmas, u can leave it for her! haha! oh and and..
Waiyin supposed to get a present for tianhon.
Tianhon supposed to get a present for roy.
roy supposed to get a present for waiyin.
im supposed to get a present for miko.
miko supposed to get a present for siwee.
siwee supposed to get a present for willie.
and willie supposed to get sth for me!
haha. we drew lots. no cheating! =D
-i realised that the last time i touched my sch work is the last day of sch. and till now. i mean yesterday. when we tried mugging at national library! dies-
xmas wishlist:
the white and black adidas jacket with strips that go across ur.. heart?! (at the front lah) been wanting that since 1 mth ago! argh! yesterday saw it again at cathay! GOSH! and siwee find it nice and he's thinking of buying for mei! hey pls pls. get her sth else. she wont like it if someone's wearing the same thing as her too! pls..
the black and silver rusty pullover! not those glittering silver. just silver. it's a black pullover actually but the word "rusty" is in silver.
ok maybe i should just stop looking at jackets.
Random stuff:
Mango sale! 50% off! i havent shop enough! ahhh. haha. anyone? LOL
"mango" reminds me of someone! no i cant.
no more rain pls. i wanna kayak!
i wanna watch cinderella!
i miss..
kidnap me. please