Wednesday, November 08, 2006
i trusted you..
but in the end.. you still took him away.
however thanks so much that he left peacefully.
we've done all we could.. xray, ultra scanning, blood test...everything. no matter how much it cost.. as long as it can live on.. whole family except me and big bro are overseas now.. he did not even get to see them for the last time... how can u so cruel to take him away?
nearly 5 yrs..
//i love u
kidnap me. please
Monday, November 06, 2006
are dogs emotional? is it becos it misses my brother, my mom, my dad so much that it refuses to eat or drink? the chances of it surviving is 50/50..
- liver failure
- it vommitted blood
- refuses to eat or drink and have to be put on drip
it's in the animal hospital now..
- did blood test
- x-ray
doctor said it's virus infection and his liver failing, hepatitis...
worst of all, 2 days of hospital fees already cost up to $500.. and right now.. no adults are around.. tmr blood test again.. another 100 bucks.. but please no matter what.. just let it recover.. please.

kidnap me. please