Sunday, August 27, 2006
haha.. conferenced with joey etc just now.. kinda funny. bitchy too. gosh.
haha.. conferenced with joey etc just now.. kinda funny. bitchy too. gosh.
anyway take care ya? dont get well soon, get well NOW! haha.
at departure hall..
at departure hall..

just love that sun-glasses and cap. (not mine though)
meet lil' zidane!
and the Ho couple (mr edward and mrs jean)! haha.
and my mom!
hahaha.. went to airport after econs lecture today.. they all going hongkong lah.. (yea it means..freedom! haha joking)
//[i miss berry]
kidnap me. please
Thursday, August 24, 2006
c.j. cheer up please.. take it easy ya? =)
i dun know what to say.. i wont say much and i cant say much..
just that. please dont feel guilty..
..whatever u do.. its fine
(strawberry berry)
kidnap me. please
Sunday, August 20, 2006

yesh! i attempted to mug! haha.. but well.. end up in dreamzzz land again
haha and u* have to take this pic! heh!
dont feel like blogging.
one man i can never meet. Him, i would like to give my whole heart to.
kidnap me. please
Friday, August 11, 2006
it's been a really long time eversince.. [i miss my laughter, not gonna care if u say im crazy haha] my strawberry never fails to make me smile. and i love my strawberry to bits! haha. yeapz and till now then i know chou pi is so good at singing! yesh i do love the black little creature! but my yellow one is cuter definitely! haha.
only my strawberry understands what im blogging! hahaha.. u made my day! <3!>
ok i miss kayaking. somebody? someday?
only my strawberry understands what im blogging! hahaha.. u made my day! <3!>
roxie hart!! in love with them!

ok i miss kayaking. somebody? someday?
kidnap me. please
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
anw, i guess i just need time. sticks and stones may break my bones... but words hurt too, from within. they break the heart. hmmm thought it sounded really cool, guess it's true too. but it's okay. i'm okay. sometimes no matter how hard you try, you just can't save it, no matter what
it's just too late.
oh i miss my strawberry
kidnap me. please