wanna know abt my life? talk to me on msn
'nuff said-
anyway..im not staying in tp.. awww.. so gonna miss everything around.. 06S19 especially.. just wanna share with u those weird stuff i spotted in tpjc..

haha this is like... obviously.. uh?
haha and yea.. this is a toilet bowl i found stuffed with toilet paper until all the water in the toilet bowl got soaked up by it.. lolz. it stinks.. big time.
and this is the metre rule that got chipped off by the ceiling fan by me during physics practical.. im sorry, Mr Ho.
kidnap me. please
jinghuang wrote a poem for me in his blog!!! gosh.. so sweet.. awwww... hahaa..
=) he's just nice.
![metamorphosis] says:
i dun like u
Jinghuang™ tears of joy and laughters of sadness jinghu4ng.blogspot.com says:
Jinghuang™ tears of joy and laughters of sadness jinghu4ng.blogspot.com says:
too bad
Jinghuang™ tears of joy and laughters of sadness jinghu4ng.blogspot.com says:
i like u
hahah this is how much he loves me! hahaha.. lolz.. joking joking.. this is crap lahz.. but this what i love abt the class.. just so crappy and fun.. yea really gonna miss them soon.. jonathan told me just now that he's pregnant!!! hahaha.. yea.. he's another crapper lahz..
kenneth: my part-time husband, part time servant, part-time bag de die, part time phy tutor!
jinghuang: my so-called lover hahah
eliz: the bird!
darryl: the king kong
jade: crystal jade!
________________________________________this is the conversation with kenneth..
please dun kill me after reading this...MY GIRLFRIEND DUN WAN ME... says:
maria...i'm hungry
please dun kill me after reading this...MY GIRLFRIEND DUN WAN ME... says:
honey...i'm hungry...is there anything to eat?
![metamorphosis] says:
u are my servant leh
please dun kill me after reading this...MY GIRLFRIEND DUN WAN ME... says:
erm...then i will rather be ur full time husband instead...
oh did i mention abt that prank call i receive on V day?!
thanks lahz.. yangzhi and nigel.. so nice of u ppl!! yea right.. gosh.. so mushy haha..
tmr night..yea mr lee's treating dinner.. haha.. =)
im longing for my ben & jerry ice-cream.. kenneth still owe me one =) hagan daaz is fine too.
so many thoughts running through my head while im desperately trying to remain sane. i shut my eyes and stare into oblivion. now what have all this turn into?
i feel distance towards u.. it has drifted away..
kidnap me. please
crap. what is this.. during maths tutorial.. charles, rahmen etc.. keep trying to take a pic of me using their handphone.. hmm dont they know i hate having my pictures in other ppl's phone.. except for mine? oh well.. still, charles managed to take it.. (half a face) and yea he got so happy and was like asking everyone to on their bluetooth.. and yea he mass send to everyone.. gosh.. embarrassing!!!

(trying to dodge him...) Failed-
anyway, sigh.. im not staying in tpjc.. gosh.. gonna miss so so so many ppl.. yes i mean it.
kidnap me. please
yesterday was vanna's birthday. haha.. she came to service uh huh.. then yah went to celebrate her birthday at NYDC with aaron, joey, weiling, tingxuan and nico.. at suntec..
today, jh from tjc came to my sch.. sigh. haha.. ok happy frenship day! =)
anyway, someone told me this today..
love is like a rugby ball.
when you drop it, or just don't manage to grab hold of it well, it rolls on the floor. and it rolls about in the weirdest ways, never nicely like the other round balls. so at times when you run after it, you can catch it easily, if it does roll in the direction you're running in. other times, it seems to be playing a game with you, dodging ever so smoothly just when you're about to grab it. and you end up grabbing air. and you keep running about, chasing after it, to pick it up and try again.
and that's just like love. as in love in general, including crushes, infatuation etc. everything about love, from the romancing part to the pain, from the nice fuzzy feeling to the feel-like-blending-yourself-into-mush feeling. it's inevitable that you'll drop the rugby ball at least once, like it's inevitable that you'll encounter love. and once you get started with it, you'll never know where it'll bring you. Love is unpredictable. there are times when everything seems to go so well, and you're in control. you can get the ball easily, and you're happy. satisfied. and you continue. yet there are other times, when circumstances work against you, and something seems to be always mocking you in your face. you want things to work your way, to work smoothly, so you can feel the joy, and yet, joy dodges you. so near, yet so far, just when you're about to reach it, it dodges away. and you're left crushed. and you still keep runnin after it, chasing it, for the hope that you'll feel that joy once again like before...
and as you keep running after it, at times tripping over yourself, you tend to wonder when you're ever going to reach it. and all that chasing around... it kinda makes you feel like a fool. all the sillyness of runnin around to catch that one damn ball so you can continue, that one important thing of the whole game, of life, so that you can go on.
and you wonder if it really means that much to you. sometimes it seems one can go on without it, yet sometimes you just wish you could feel that love, that someone is there. to give you that hug you so yearn for. and all that running and chasing, you just get so tired you want to give up. some people tend to become skeptics, for it seems as if one is never gonna be able to get it anw. yet there are others, who keep on thinking that there's always this chance somehow. and this innocent (i won't use childish) faith actually helps some, and they actually get their joy, others are just left behind crushed with more scars, wondering at their own gullibility, but still hoping again and again, and collecting more pains. and yet, they still go on hoping. [weird huh.]
however, there are times if you just wait. wait, patiently for that ball to stop rolling [since you can never predict where it'll roll to and it doesn't ever seem to go your way], just wait. and when it stops, you walk over and pick it up, and you didn't waste any of your energy. you didn't waste your time, didn't waste any effort, and you get the ball anw. and you continue. in fact, there are times when you just wait it out, the ball actually rolls back to somewhere nearer to you! [ i can testify this to be true, i mean LITERALLY, since the ball clara and i were playing with dropped and rolled around while both of us just stared at it, and eventually, it rolled a huge circle, and came back quite close to us... i was quite amused, kinda like the boomberang thing.] well sure, there's the uncertainty while you're waiting, but ultimately, you still get that ball. so i guess if you just have the patience, love will eventually come your way? for some, it does, it's true. for others, well.
oh well haha.. HAPPY V's DAY!!! and happy birthday to JOY LEONG JIA EN!!!
kidnap me. please
omg! Mr Ho sent a message to everyone at TPJC.net and the starting goes like ...
Dear 06S19 Class,
My apologies. For application question 6 in ur PHYSICS TUTORIAL , the answer is C which means I got it wrong and Huiying got it right (reason for her to be smug now :) .
oh manz.. well my physics aint that gd.. haha if u know me really well.. just crapping up facts which u call it nonsense.. lalala.. k Os results coming out soon..
sigh.. enough said//
kidnap me. please