found a badly injured sparrow at my house car park there yesterday.. it was at one of the parking lots.. gosh.. the left wing is badly injured and it cant even close.. was with gina and stacy (cos they come my house) yea.. so wanted to pick it up and bring it home.. to prevent it from eaten up by cats or being knock down by cars.. it hopped away.. to underneath a car.. yea and we nearly gave up on saving it.. but then.. haha.. well.. i tried lah.. crawl underneath and pick it up.. oh i was wearing a skirt! yupz.. opps.. then yea.. brought it home.. water, bread, towel, tissue, cage (the one that belongs to my dog haha) and it got a home! anyway, dominic was SOO jealous and it keeps barking.. cos all my attn was on the sparrow yesterday haha.

![metamorphosis] says:
i wanna cry
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
haiz dun be sad lar
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
means u couldnt hav done anything to help it lar...
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
at least it died in comfort
![metamorphosis] says:
ive kill it
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
no u din...
![metamorphosis] says:
maybe my mom's right
![metamorphosis] says:
it needs the nature
![metamorphosis] says:
it needs its momma
![metamorphosis] says:
but i tooK it away
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
wad if nature ends sum cat leh
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
![metamorphosis] says:
wad if the momma will find it if i leave it there
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
u din do anything wrong..
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
the mum cant carry it back also lar
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
its like same size
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
it'll just be stuck there
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
at tt moment u can only leave it there or carry it home and hope for the best wad
only 1 econs s essay, 1 econs s summary, 2 chem tut, 1 maths tut and 1 physics tut more to go says:
u tried to protect a life
i'm sorry...
kidnap me. please
new year's.. ok.. despite that im loaded with homework.. sigh.. they arent around this year and the house seems to be so quiet.. one in US and one in UK.. sigh.. had video conference with the one in US yesterday.. haha.. so funny.. it's like one by one, we take turn to talk to him at my granny's house.. hmm..
oh and did i mention abt the breaking down of my dad's car? haha yupz.. on the way to my grans house.. hmm so no choice one car less.. haha and we have to sqeeze! (haha yea cos every year there will be abt 5 or 6 cars that go around from one place to another..together.. i dunno it's just the yearly routine.. like u come my house, then later i have to go ur house.. not like.. oh u come my house, give oranges and hongbao, that's it. haha.. so we go to and fro lahz)
anyway was looking at some of the pictures he took from UK just now.. hmm..

beautiful uh?
get me a house like that.. and i will be urs =] haha!
Dazzlingly gorgeous..
the toilet =]
the church.. and his backview..
look, this is how easily u can get lost in london i guess? wait.. issit Bath? yea.. getting lost in Bath. just a slight degree diff and u end up somewhere else...
oh AAT, i chose the brown and the red one eventually! haha.. and did u wear ur brown shoes to church? and ur brown pants? haha.. so funny.. yea think ive influence u! LOL.. joking...
kidnap me. please
-pon PE with elizabeth.. haha. yupz =]
-my arm is still bandaged and it still hurts.. gosh
-4 days already.. feeling lower than low..
-jantagx's missing.. (thx to mom's spring cleaning) what does it symbolise?
-does that contribute to the 4 days mentioned?
-im getting paranoid.
-ppl always tend to lose things that mean a lot to them more cos they bring it with them whenever they go.. and sometimes misplacing it. ouch! this is what happening now.
-i will find it back.. im sure.
-this post is just so random.
kidnap me. please
Thur - really fun. went to TP mall (yesh call it TP mall.. haha no more TM.. it sounds like it belongs to us!) with 17 ppl.. my bag was really heavy.. so hmm clay exchanged his bag with me! haha.. so the whole day he was carrying my bag and yea i was carrying his =] hmm yea had a hard time trying to buy tickets for geisha.. oh the show's nice! haha.. chris left half way cos he gotta work.. and yea we went to find him later at best denki.. took pictures with the canon digital camera.. and he printed out for us!! yaya.. a postcard haha.. so cool.. sorry eugene, chenxi etc.. i didnt go for steamboat with u guys.. but i asked u all to join us for geishabut u rejected me! haha..
Fri - yea.. wonderful friday.. lessons end at 9.40am.. all of us literally run out of school.. and ya. (didnt get caught of cos) oh and i got lost in fort canning!!! yea me and adeline were like wandering around after supper and yea.. then we couldnt find the MRT station.. the buses at the bus stop was some weird nos that i did not see before.. and yea we walked all the way to clark quay.. if-u-know-how-far-it-is.
sat - today, went back to work.. yesh im broke.
i am running after you.
racing against time.
will You pick me up when i stumble and fall?
i know i haven't been updating blog entries. but here i am. tired, but happily alive.
kidnap me. please
no more lateness. haha be proud of me ppl! =] yay.. hope this can last..
1st week of lesson proper. yesh and im already caught.. "this patch of ur hair a bit golden uh?" oh well whatever lahz..
my class is boring.. no one talks.. and im the only one there talking to myself and yes so retarded.. actually no, im not retarded.. i talk to ppl.. but they just ignore me = talking to myself. how rude can they get uh? haha. and the teacher's even worse! gosh.. "pls keep quiet when others are talking.." hey.. cant they keep quiet for me? hmph*
after that, we had one hour plus of free period.. sneak out of cos =] breakfast haha! gosh.. siva really amused me.. haha.. not gonna blog abt this part.. still mad at somebody* pissed me off only.. tingxuan's fault! hmph. haha.
went back to sch for physics leture.. gosh it was pouring already.. so we ran.. i was drenched btw, yupz.. was super cold in the theatre lahz.. then went home with joyce and yisen. yisen's irritated by me! haha.. oh and fahmi says he's gonna burn a copy of the photos he took during the orientation for me! haha.. how nice.. lolz.. u all SHOULD BE like this =] anyway,
HAPPY BDAE RACHEL!!!!! <3<3<3 when are we going out?!
kidnap me. please
Had lunch at TM yesterday.. with lots of ppl.. hmm.. they are nice.. really.. but not when they are teasing me or suaning me.. which is like.. all the time? Haha but they aren't nasty.. had lunch at BK.. sat at the same table with Rachel, amal and (oh-no-whats her name?) haha.. sorry. Hmm ya we were talking about some really shitty things lahz.. gross haha.. the guys got gross out by us too.. haha.. er yah.. then we went to toy'r'us! Omg!!! FUN! Haha yea amal, we should go there together often.. oh im so in love with the huge soft toy doggie.. haha but it costs 100 bucks. Im not that rich haha. Oh and when I was putting back, I broke the shelf ACCIDENTALLY! Oh I dont know what happened to me lahz.. thats not the only thing I broke that day.. oh no.. but u guys don't have to go on and on can?!
Going out later.. town.. winston called last night and say ABBA outing today.. then chenxi called again.. to confirm if im going.. diaoz.. how these ppl got my number?! And pls.. say who u are when I ask u can? Stop asking me to guess.. I take forever.. firstly, I don't talk to u all on the phone I cant recognize ur voice. Secondly, I will only think of those ppl who has my number right? Abish!
Anyway, was chatting with Adeline just now.. im so glad that she's ok now.. haha.. well, we need people to be honest to us. but knowing the truth hurts sometimes. everything comes with a price. so if you ask me if i'd rather not know the truth, and not know this pain, well, i think i'd still choose to feel the pain. no matter how silly and stupid you think i am, i'd choose to know the truth and feel the pain.
someone asked me once why i find it so hard to trust people. well. it's not really that. it's just that i start off trusting someone blindly, then i get burned. but no, i don't learn my lesson, and i go on trusting that same person again. and the cycle goes on and on, me trusting people and falling, which is why sometimes i get tired of trusting. i'm sick of being the brunt of people's jokes. i'm sick of getting hurt everytime i trust too much. sometimes i may seem untrusting, but it's all fake. after awhile i'll get back into the cycle. it still happens, and will continue to happen.
i wonder if i'll find a day when i can find someone i can totally trust, who will not betray my trust.
i don't want to play anymore, not when the stakes are so high... will i, one day find someone i can trust? or maybe, if i'm lucky enough, a few i can trust? will you be that someone, or that one out of the few? it doesn't matter. i'll trust you all the same. if you burn me once, i'll break, then i'll come back trusting you again. i'm that stupid. but well. i'll trust you anyway, but will you be kind enough, and save me from pain? so the cycle keeps going on and on, and i come out each time with a few more scars. not wounds, that can be healed overtime. but scars.
btw, the 'you' (in the entire entry) does not refer to anyone in particular k. really. it just refers to the whole world. haha =p
Im missing some people terribly much now… Dory, Dinah, Aretha, jodine, grace, Alison, Amanda(s), ain, vanna, xyan!, aaron, joey, graham, tingxuan, Rachel k, esther, soo, syaz, arthi, Adeline (yes even though I just chatted with her), wanqi, becky, yingqi, aynur!, joslyn, lyn, ron.. argh… really miss u guys!!!
kidnap me. please
okay i spent most of my time sleeping this weekend yeah wells i think there's something wrong with me. it's my form of escaping, and it's doing really fine for me nowadays. i woke up at around 10 (?), went online.. yeah then i went back to sleep, and woke up at 6? . yeah. that's a pretty long sleep. then i went out straightaway to my grans house.
i darno. i guess sleeping helps me to escape from life, coz when i sleep i don't think of anything. i realise i start to feel sad or moody or thinkish when i'm alone, unless i have a book with me in which i can escape into, be with the characters, live their lives... be totally detached from reality. and i'd come back after finishing the book, feelin a lil disorientated. but still. it took up some of my alone time, so i don't feel sad or moody or thinkish. which is good in a way. yeah or i'd just go back and sleep. like now.
i've been sleeping 'away' my 'troubles' since i darno when. but well..i've gotta face it. since when i wake up, it's still gonna be there anw. so. yeah well. sigh. okay all i need to do is keep myself busy, so my brain does not veer off into weird directions and leave me clueless. if sleeping's my 'cure' for the moment, then fine.
ah i think i'm very tired, i don't seem to be coherent. anw, sleepin's my new form of escapism for the moment i guess. i know it doesn't help, but hey.
as they say sleeping more helps you grow more. at least i might have the chance of growing taller.
well. i realise i've been living in a dream, in my dream. reality hasn't hit me yet. and i'm still pretty idealistic, no matter how many pessimistic things i can think of. which is kinda ironic. like say, i think of the worse case senario that could happen, yet i try to deny it, infact i've dreamed myself into something quite the opposite. --> in other words meaning if i fall, wake up from this dream, i'll be doubly scarred. and bleeding. whoahoa~
lessons or rather letures gonna start tmr.. but well.. not for me! hmm but still, gonna sit in for geog and econs letures even though i didnt take. orientation night on friday was great. everyone was high.. ABBA won the best family award.. and everyone says the dance we did were great Haha.. yupz.. gosh 12 more days.. adeline!!! i really cant wait!!!!oh i miss the greens!
kidnap me. please
haha cool.. i know practically everyone in my new school, dont ask me why.. like yufan says "why u like walk every 5 steps then meet someone u know uh" haha.. ok ppl i met (not tkgians):
gina, haisong, nigel tay, yang zhi, jinkai, nigel tan, weining, jialin, zhirong, yiwen, yujiang, joyce, huiping, minxuan, sybal, yisen, romario, zhangquan etc.. i cant possibly name all right now.. my brain is still in a sleepy mood. yupz.
haha anyway today was really fun =] had mass dance.. rock and roll.. hmm.. yangzhi's so funny.. he came all the way from his group (27) to mine (40) and ask me to partner him.. oh cos we all need a partner of the opposite gender. and yah.. he was complaining to me that there's no pretty gals in his group and there's even a gal "bigger" than him.. i dunno what he mean by "bigger" so dont ask me. so yah.. haha.. and i just say anything.. this leader of mine saw.. and gosh.. he keep teasing us can?! idiotic. haha.
oh then nigel (group 34) walks towards me.. not seeing that yangzhi's already beside me.. so yah.. haha sorry taken =] LOL! so funny.. oh then yah i was wondering around like saying HI to everyone.. and yangzhi got irritated i think.. this is what he says "u better dont run away later i die, no partner" HAHA. opps. sorry. ohh then later the leaders found out that the hall isnt big enough for everyone to dance at the same time.. so group 10 - 30 have to leave the hall and do other stuff first.. haha so yangzhi has to go.. hmm.. lolz then he's like "wah lao i have to partner someone else later cos when we come back ur group has to*t lah" then yupz no choice he left..
then.. robo (group 40 head, my leader) told us to stand in twos.. the guys partner the gals. yupz.. at first i got this guy from SJI but then this another guy (chenxi) request him to change place with him. and yah i got him. haha. attracted lots of attention lahz.. gosh.. (oh cos many gals find him cute. hmm i did not say anything) yupz. then when doing rock and roll, we were doing fine.. he's a great dancer i must say.. at least he did not step on my foot! haha.. yupz this is the most common complaint i heard from the gals after the dance. we stood at the back and dance.. cant even see what those leaders doing on stage lahz.. (fine i admit im short ya?)
oh then nora (this J2 gal, MY SENIOR) she's just so nice.. she and her partner stand behind with me.. just infront of me.. so all we did was to stare and observe the steps yup.. just right infront u see? oooo wait, we attracted lots of attention not becos HE is cute.. but cos when we were turning and spinning, i dont know why, he just let go of my hand.. and he.. FLEW off.. all the way to the side of the hall.. gosh I DID NOT DO ANYTHING! pls.. nono.. and i was so embarrassed.. tried to walk away and pretend i did not see anything. haha.. manz.. pls.. he's taller than me and he's stronger, muscular that kind.. alamak.
and yah perfect 10 came today.. carrie chong. hmm.. so fun. robo so funny.. he wants to take a picture with carrie chong so badly and too shy.. so yah.. everyone sabo him..
carrie: "anyone got any qns?"
us: "robo robo robo robo..."
carrie: "who?"
us: "he.. there there (points)"
carrie: "do u wanna come over? (looks at robo)"
robo: (covers face and shake head)
carrie: "do u know it's very wrong to ask a gal to come over to u.. u should be the one coming over.. ok nvm im older than u.. haha (walks over) so what qns do u have"
robo: "can i have a hug?"
(everyone laughs)..
oh yah she gave him a hug.. and all the others leaders got jealous. haha..
orientation's FUN i think.. haha. oh no.. i have to dance for orientation campfire night on friday. dies. and they even ask me to choreograph.. hmm mamamia.
anyway, happy bdae tantan!! and yah u, my bro.
kidnap me. please
haha the last 2 days of holiday.. guess what i did? hmm..
i skate...
with him..
and i blade..

blades. (clockwise starting from the red solomon skates.. my bro's, aaron's, joey's and mine!)
haha kk oh well. sch's starting tmr! oh no.. actually, im quite excited.. nervous too.. can u believe it? 4 yrs without guys in my sch and now.. tata.. im so dead.. gosh.. demure. such a difficult word to me right now.. no more changing in classrooms.. no more asking for pads openly.. no more freedom of gals talk.. blah. opps.. ok i shouldnt blog abt this haha.. this is like so.. hmm.. censored lahz. ok i have to wake up early.. meeting those ppl for breakfast. haha they stay near there.. so yea.. gonna wake up early have breakfast with me! and then they can go back home to sleep.. boohoo..
kidnap me. please